Jessica Fant: Sex Goddess & Musical Phenomenon
In an industry that is overly male saturated, there are handful amounts of trail and tribulations for a woman in the music industry. When it comes down to the music industry, it is survival of the fittest. You either choose to conquer or you get conquered.
The music industry is cut throat and your 15 minutes of fame can last seconds. In an industry that is constantly evolving and revamping, being an independent female artist is twice as hard as it would be for a male. You can argue this statement and rebuttal it by stating otherwise, at the end of the day, if you are a female artist you're a woman more than an artist. It is a harsh reality, but it is one that women in the music industry have to endure on a daily basis.
We live in the 21st century but it is evident that women still must constantly prove themselves and their work in a society where it favors the XY chromosome. Society has created a stigma that "man is more than woman". Don't believe me? Open up a history book. A man has never had to fight for equal rights. A woman on the other hand, has. The modern day woman is a business lady, boss, icon, entrepreneur, artist, visionary, and so on. A woman doesn't have to be defined by what society says we are capable and incapable of. Although the everyday woman is tearing down pre-conceived notions, there are still some grey areas where certain topics, such as sex, are a soft subject for a woman to expand on.
The concept of a woman speaking upon sex and sexual liberation is still so foreign. Luckily, thanks to Twitter and other vocal women who seek to empower sexual liberation, the topic of sex is finally starting to become accepted.
Urban Time Magazine was able to interview Jessica Fant, an independent artist based in New Jersey. Fant gives us insight to her personal life, music and real life struggles she has had to face as a female artist. We also dabbled over the brief history of #HoeTwitter and her stance on feminism, sex and relationships within the industry.
Jessica Fant, also known as @JE55ICAFANT or INDI $EIS on the SoundCloud realm, is tearing down the walls of sex and empowerment through her music. Her music consist of "raw-sex samples" and "raunchy trap sensual" melodies. In a society where sexual liberation is frowned upon for women, Jessica manages to create an atmosphere of sexual acceptance through her music and lyrics.
Click the SoundCloud link below to hear her song 'Na$ty' and peep our personal interview with the one and only, Jessica Fant.
Where are you currently based? How long have you been recording music and using Twitter as a platform to help your brand?
JF: I've been making music for a few years, but I found my sound earlier this year and finally released something this past summer. I'm still not known for my music yet and i haven't made enough music to ultimately use twitter as a platform, but I plan to when I finish my project. I live in New Jersey and I record all of my music here.
What would you say your current sound is and how does it differs from previous music you have made?
JF: I made a song three or four years ago and it had a neo-soul vibe. I made neo-soul music because I felt like I had no other opinion with the voice I have. Last year, I decided to make the music I want to make. I wanted to mix everything I enjoy. I love rock music, I love late 90's early 2000's r&b/hip hop and I love the 90's alternative grunge scene. i think my sound is "raunchy trap sensual". I want to sing about the shit I want to sing about. I feel like most women sing about shit that they think men want to hear. SAFE TOPICS. I don't care about what men want to hear.
What artists have inspired you?
JF: Isaac Hayes, Sade, Trina, Lil' Kim, Gaga, Madonna, The Isley Brothers, Prince, Fiona Apple and Grace Jones are my inspirations. Issac Hayes, Isley Brothers, Sade and Prince for the content and passion in their music. Grace, Gaga, Fiona, Madonna and also Prince for pushing the envelope.
What are safe topics to you? What is your stance on feminism and female independence?
JF: I like controversy, but it has to feel natural. I hate when it feels forced. I like singing about sex, sex is inspiring. I use personal raw sex samples and porn clips. I think it's very important for any woman in the industry making art or music to be who she wants to be and do everything she wants. I feel like women sing about what men want to hear or what sounds safe. I play electric guitar and plan on including that in my music. I don't dance, I want to mosh and kick people in the face on stage. routined dancing in leotards isn't my thing and I feel like a lot of women feel forced to do this because of the female entertainers that were before them. Safe topics? Heartbreak. Men. Not about using men, but being emotionally submissive to men and what they want. It's not about men and what they want.
Would you say there are more challenges for women in this industry than for men? You are part of the new era of women whom are embracing sex which is incredibly vital for women and for the progression of women. Have you had your own hardships with that too?
JF: Of course! Women have to constantly over-prove themselves to even be taken seriously especially in the industry. No one would let me record for months because I was a woman. Men would deny me or over-charge me, but let their trash homeboy record for free. Then, once they saw what I looked like? "working" goes out the window. "Let's work" is the number one trap. It's really important to let everyone know you mean business.
What advice would you give to women out there in the industry scared to embrace themselves and sex?
JF: You can be attractive and get what you want without giving in. Being sexually open just started becoming more accepted. I'm 22 now, I've been shamed and shut out for doing what I wanted and being sexually open in high school and college. Now? It's the norm and that makes me happy. Women are embracing their past and their sexuality finally.
Could you intrigue us in what inspired your song 'Nasty' and 'Papi'? How did your outlook on music help create those lyrics and vibes?
I have to make sure I word this right. "Papi" is my favorite out of the two songs i put out. I wrote it in about 20 minutes. It just flowed, I'm not a rapper, but that's how it came out. The beat was so sexy and smooth; It's about being in love with a coke dealer. I'm not a huge fan of calling a man "daddy" but it made sense with what I was singing about. When I call a man "daddy" it's more about him taking care of me sexually.
"Nasty" was a joke that ended up sounding good.
Who would you like to work with in the future? Do you see music as a long term thing in your life?
JF: I plan on making music for a long time, I'm just starting. I really just got my feet wet this summer. I'm working with Bucharelli Luv right now for my next project and I'm really excited about that. I want to work with Sebastian du Noir soon. I would love to make a song with Trina or Adina Howard in a perfect world. Realistically, I wouldn't mind working with Chris Travis, Xavier Wulf or Abra right now.
Are you currently in a relationship? I have to ask, what is your stance on rappers and dating rappers/artists?
JF: I dated a rapper earlier this year for a while and we were very public online. It was cool having someone accept your personality/twitter "hoe" persona. He let me be me and threatened anyone who had an issue with it. I'm not currently in a relationship. I think when you're involved with another artist being an artist, it's very important to have space. If you're not an artist, getting ignored for studio time and getting shut out a couple times a week is hard to deal with. I still get annoyed dealing with rappers even though I'm an artist. I STILL get an attitude whenever I get that "Hey baby, I'm at the studio. can I call you later?" I've had men get annoyed with me when I need time away to work on my craft, it really depends on you as a person and how much attention you need from the person you're dating. It's hard for me not to date someone in the creative field, I hate the idea of someone not understanding me. I want someone to understand how long it takes to get a song perfect and how important it is to find inspiration in little things. Women that have interest in these rapper men will complain about the studio and the groupies backstage, but you have complete control over what you are willing to deal with and that's with any man.
Could you enlighten us about "Hoe Twitter"? What it stands for, means and your part in it, please? Hoe twitter has definitely gained such an incredible audience. Its amazing to witness.
"Hoe Twitter" is a group of women that sexually express themselves in a very theatrical way. It isn't what it used to be though, most of the girls that caught on are very young. It bothers me a little bit. I have girls in my DMs asking me for advice on how they should lose their virginities and what positions are best and it makes me a little uncomfortable. I didn't have anyone taking my hand guiding me across the rainbow when I was 16/19, but I'm happy girls have that "big sister" relationship on twitter with me and a few others. It's nice to see how supportive women can be. I've been tweeting about what I've been tweeting about for years.
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