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GypjaQ Reveals Exclusive Track List to Debut Album: "aNvKai: Genesis"

Left to right: Synead, GypjaQ, DejiaVu
Sun glasses, "Oya" from the line, "Enerjiee" by Sherine Patrick
My name is GypjaQ (jip jack) born and raised in Harlem, NYC. I'm a recording/performance artist. My style is very eclectic and I'm addicted to variety. I'm calling it all acid house, vogue hop, ballroom soul. I have a collective of artists of different mediums called aNvKai (a-new-Kai). Ranging from producers, instrumentalist and dancers. I choreograph the dances myself for all of my performances.

Urban Time: Very well rounded! How did this come to be? When did you begin your career in the music industry?

GypjaQ: Thank you! Well, I'd say the industry officially noticed me from my work on BWET and then when the “Blown Away” Video featuring Azealia Banks came out it got more serious. I've been singing and dancing since I can remember. My first memory is of me singing.

Urban Time: How was BWET? Can you talk to us about that?

GypjaQ: Briefly. The process was so much fun. So glad she called me. I was brought in as a kind of closer. Fill in those last few notes. Change a lyric or note here and there. Azealia is amazing and had most of it written already.

Urban Time: That's so cool that you had the opportunity to work with her! How did that happen?

GypjaQ: Well I've known Azealia since she came to Laguardia high school.

Urban Time: Would you say you developed your music together in any way?

GypjaQ: No. Developing this style was up to me. She did say I should try rapping, but I KNOW she wasn't saying do those. She remembers me being a neo-soul head back when she was my background vocalist. But I got into the lab with producers, like LawlySe who did the “Blown Away” beat. Other producers like Bae_Bro and Bridget Perez, myself. All these producers featured on my next project called. aNvKai: Genesis.

Urban Time: How did you develop this style you describe now?

GypjaQ: Honestly, I just focused on having a blast and being a Ki (silly) but everything I do winds up having deeper meaning and an intention to awaken those that experience it. AB reminded me of commentating, a ballroom (vogue) style of vocalizing, and when I think of that the first person that comes to mind is Kevin JZ prodigy and how my friends and I would vogue down the peer doing our best Kevin voice and that made me so happy to recall. From there it expanded into something way larger than I saw coming. I started playing with all kind of different fusions with ballroom being the main ingredient. I brought in the music of the world to make this style...and maybe some that may be...not so much from this world haha. The sound is almost like a spaceship at work.

Urban Time: What made you want to start a collective as opposed to focusing on only yourself?

GypjaQ: Well, I believe that we as a culture need to remove ourselves from the idea that we are separate from each other, don't need each other, and must get over on one another to survive. I believe we can all be kings and queens of our own kingdoms in the world and have true justice. Freedom is everyone living their truths unashamed and everyone assisting in that. Support systems are also important.

Urban Time: What are some hardships you've experienced that comes with growing as an artist?

GypjaQ: Seeing things in ways no one around seemed to see it. Hearing music no one around seemed to be hearing. It was very difficult accepting the fact that people not being able to understand my style is more of a reflection on their need to be lured in by stuff they've already experienced, and nothing to do with my being ahead of the curve. I'm very experimental in general. Experiencing the same thing on repeat is no fun for me. That seemed to challenge people. To match, my voice is also very big and fills up a whole room easily...my teachers told me that's ideal for a soloist but in choirs it was always a struggle blending in. Literally the story of my life. Trying to blend in to no avail and finally realizing it's not my responsibility to blend in...but to simple be myself and if that stands out then so be it. All these hardships were just great lessons learned.

Urban Time: You have a gift man! Are you working on anything currently?

GypjaQ: Aaawww thank you. Yup, I'm working on the debut album "aNvKai: Genesis." This album's story can be tracked through the Major Arcana in the Tarot. I'm also working on the second project "Hard Pill" which is definitely a different sound.

Urban Time: Can you talk to us about Genesis? The concept? Influences?

GypjaQ: It's like the past meets the future. It's like me and my collective are so far ahead it's back. Like how life is not a straight line or a circle...it's a spiral. A circular motion with direction. We come from that point in the spiral where the tenants of old artistry are made new. It's also about the journey from fool to the world (Tarot concept) the sound goes from rough and harsh to more refined. The lyrics are for the most part all about accepting who you are in spite of your surroundings telling you you're wrong. 9 tracks. 9 is the number of greatest change...I didn't pic 9 tracks on purpose it just happened that way. Haha here's an explanation through the track list.

Left to right: DejiaVu, GypjaQ,  Designer DS Andino of AyMedici 
"Pussy Bounce" is about accepting that even as a male one can have a deep connection with the sacred feminine and I call that pussy power. In "Pussy Bounce" I flex my pussy  power.

"Ruse" is about accepting one's sexuality no matter how non-normative. It's also low key about getting stalked by a curious wizard.

"BeatIous" is about accepting one's gifts and purpose, As well as, accepting the greatness and worth of the work that comes with them.

"Green Stuff" accepting that Ganja is life. Haha.

"Blown Away" - accepting responsibility for changing this world for the betterment of mankind. Accepting the power and fear that comes with that responsibility and moving from ego consciousness to higher consciousness. The line "Blown Away like the cloud that carries the shade" references the end of white supremacist patriarchal imperialism.

"Fight the War" is about surrender. Accepting that the best thing to do is surrender to your truth. "Why fight the war? Who's it you're really trying to conquer?" Your battle is with yourself. Surrender.

"NeMi (Negative Misunderstandings)" is about accepting your point of view and that sometimes you'll be extremely clear in expressing that but people around you just don't/won't get it. Just keep doing you. They can understand...or they can leave.

"Other" is about accepting the fact that since we as humans seem to have a need for labeling...you're labeled other...and that's fine...it's also about not accepting any derogatory speech thrown your way and accepting that we as "Others" must fight back with force if need be.

"sInnIstIr" pronounced sinister, is accepting the darkest parts of yourself. And realizing they too are good. Loving it teaches you to work with it in positivity.

"Aboucha" pronounced about ya, is the sum of all the parts. The moment the acceptance of self is fully achieved and you realize that you're all you ever wanted.

Urban Time: This sounds very well thought out and I can tell you put a lot of time and work into this project, how long has it taken you? Is it in the recording process right now?

GypjaQ: All hidden under the guise of really fun, crazy tunes. Not as preachy as I am when I talk haha. Three years!! Haha. Thank the Gods we're done record and mixing. We're working contracts for producers now. I refuse to be caught up like so many get. Sign these contracts and let's be great. Haha.

Urban Time: That sounds like a really great team! When does this release?

GypjaQ: Going for September. *crosses fingers*

Urban Time: How was the journey been? That's definitely shows a lot of dedication and work ethic.

GypjaQ: Oh man it's been arduous. But worth it and so much fun. Connections made. Connections lost. Connections renewed. Connections postponed. Mixing takes forever sometimes, especially if you're as specific as I am. The photo shoot for the artworks took an entire day...literally 23.5hrs. But it was fun most of the time. Can't say there weren't any break downs...but you know, blood sweat and tears. MUCH laughter tho. So much love. More love than I can say I've felt growing up, for sure.

Urban Time: What would you like to say to those anticipating this project?

GypjaQ: Thank you so much for rocking with us. Thank you for believing in us. Thank for playing the unmastered releases on Soundcloud. Thank you for believing in me. We love you. Welcome to aNvKai.

I just hope one day we can accept one another for our differences. Tolerance is lazy and most of all arrogant. It suggest that you will try to love someone in spite of them having qualities you "should hate". It puts you not only "above" bigots but "above" the person you're tolerating. Acceptance is the way to true peace. If it harm none let it be. I hope my "artivism" inspires folks to be.

GypjaQ on Twitter

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