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Pink Productions: An Innovative Platform for Ambitious Women

My name is Bri'Ann Stephens and I am the Founder and CEO of Pink Productions.

Prior to launching Pink Productions, I was given a vision to create a platform for writers. I wanted to create a website where their work would be published without going through a panel of judges. After consideration, I realized poets are not the only people who are passionate about their gifts and aren't given the proper support and platforms.

I decided that our website, PinkProds.com, would not just highlight poets, but all women. I wanted the website to highlight women who are actively working towards their goals or leading in their community. I wanted all women to know, "we see you."

One thing I've learned from experience is that it is rare to make a living tirelessly going after your dreams, without actually creating revenue. My vision for Pink Productions quickly transformed from a website to a company, where we create platforms to highlight and ultimately support women. I wanted to go further and greater, so that's what I did. Pink Productions is now a platform for innovative, ambitious women with purpose. A place where women are recognized not only for their external, but also their internal beauty. Pink Productions aim is to create an atmosphere where women are not only supported but supportive of one another. We create platforms for women to connect, network, and engage with us and each other. Through our one on one interviews featured on our website, we show our audience real, authentic women who have overcome the everyday battles of life. We use our platforms to successfully support and shed a light on women by booking them for our events, featuring them on our website, and promoting them on our social media.

Urban Time: Tell us about your events! What do they feature and how did it come up to do events as well?

Pink Productions: The decision to organize events was inspired by the need to support women. I live by the quote "be the change you wish to see in the world."  There are extremely talented, hardworking, dedicated individuals who go unnoticed daily because they do not have the proper support or opportunities. By organizing and hosting events, we've created a platform for women that encourages, supports and welcomes opportunity.

We plan to hold a variety of events throughout the year. We will have events tailored to artists such as singers, poets, designers, hair stylists and beauty gurus, where we showcase their work. We will hold workshops and networking events in order to empower and uplift students, entrepreneurs, corporate women and the like. We will even hold an event every Fall/Winter tailored especially to Christian artists. Lastly, because we are dedicated to giving back to our community, we will also host community service events.

The Pink Productions team is dedicated to giving our audience the best that we can possibly give to them. Instead of focusing on many projects at once, we focus on everything one at time in order to fully produce the best quality of work. At this moment, we are currently focused on the Pink Productions website and our community service events. We are planning to do major things in the community this upcoming summer and we cannot wait to share with everyone what we have in store!

Urban Time: The ladies on the front page of your website, can you tell us a little about them? Is that their profiles or what significance do they hold for them to be in the front page?

Pink Productions: I am happy to say the ladies on the homepage are my best friends, which I call sisters and business partners! I've known each of them for over 10 years. Most times business leaders frown upon working with friends or family, however I am blessed to be able to work with women I completely trust, everybody isn't able. Working with my sisters has actually been more beneficial to our personal relationships and the business, so I'm grateful.

On the homepage, from left to right is our chief marketing officer, Mofe Lawrence; founder and chief executive officer, yours truly; our chief operating officer, Chelsea Whitley; and lastly, our chief branding officer, Adunola Adeshola. We are currently the only executive board members.

Urban Time: That's wonderful! And how do you find women to feature, and in what ways? For example who writes in the blog? Who writes the poetry?

Pink Productions: We find women to feature mostly through social media and referrals. Sometimes women even reach out to us through our website's "Contact Us" form. We're fortunate enough to have bloggers and interviewers on our team to help execute the process. Every two months we scout and feature new poets to be featured on our website and they submit their own original content.

Urban Time: What are some things we can expect from pink productions in the future?

Pink Productions: In the near future we will expand our team and plan events and workshops for women in different facets of life in Houston. We plan to make our mark all over the world and Houston is just the beginning. We have so many things in store for the future. I can't give too much away, but I will say Pink Productions is going to change the world.

Pink Productions on Twitter here.

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