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Dandii Sun’s “Sundialing from Dallas” is an Independent Masterpiece

I (Demo) sit in my AP Environmental Science class with a sudden urge to listen to Dandii Sun’s most recent project in its entirety.  I’ve listened to several tracks from the upcoming Dallas native in the past months, after following him on Twitter for his amazing Sharpie sketches, but never got around to listening to his newest material.  Not that I doubted his ability to “wow” me with his music, because he’s done it in the past, I just literally didn’t have the time for it up until now.  

I’m presented into the project with a phone call to “The Insecurity Hotline”.  A fictional hotline where Sun speaks to the operator for the remainder of the tape about his “lost love”. Dandii emphasizes the “insecurity” factor with the track opening track Say Something.  This song is just an amazing introduction into the project.  Rough, almost painful, singing is graced over the track with slight aggression.  His verses are sort of stuttered, and given to the listener in a rather scattered manner, maybe highlighting his struggle just to speak up and of course… say something:

“… If you just say something, then they will always know your name
If you just say something, then they never treat you the same
If you don’t say something, then they will never know your name
If you don’t say something, then they will always treat you the same
(Like a nigga)”

Slowly we are enlightened to what this song may be holding underneath. Just the pure, ironic message being fed to us on this song is just eye-opening.
Maybe, Dandii’s insecurity is being what society has projected him to be. At the end of the song he is asked to give his  perception of himself, that is when we are greeted by the next song Sun2u, a song dedicated to a lost loved-one.  Throughout the rest of the tape Sun speaks on his relationship with his long-girlfriend, the absence of his father, and his confusion on religion.  The rest of the project’s sound is for you to find out… and I promise there is much to hear. Stream via Soundcloud below: 

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