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Unrealistic Body Standards

Bodies have been all the rage lately, and with the love of bodies comes unrealistic body standards. Since about 2013 fit, slim and insanely muscular bodies have been all that anyone wants, and that’s super unrealistic because honestly, most of us don’t have that body because we come in all different sizes and body types. In actuality, 8 out of 10 women when looking in the mirror will actually be displeased with their body. 

Victoria Secret love body campaign.
Our idea of a perfect weight or body is becoming more and more unreachable. In fact in an article written in 1997 it reported that 45 years ago the “body goal” was only commonly 8% less than the average women but in 1997 it was up to a staggering 23% and only 5% percent of women even fit in to this body type. I know that on my fittest days I do not fit into this category and I know many other people don’t. By obtaining such fabricated expectations of the human body we set ourselves up for disappointment when our partner or our own selves don’t match that standard.

Men have this problem too, people see celebrities who have such access to personal trainers and all the equipment needed to construct an idealistic body that when they themselves don’t have the same result from working out or don’t have the natural body type, it can lead to self-doubt or body issues. What we all need to realize is that we can’t hold ourselves and others we know and love on an unrealistic pedestal formed by society’s ideas of the “perfect body”

  A more accurate representation of all different body types.

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