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The Man Behind the Smoke; Meet KP Noir.

The 20 year old photographer, known throughout social media as "kpnoir", has been quietly storming the photography scene for quite awhile. I had the pleasure of finding Ken through Instagram in 2013, during my freshman year of high school. What captured me about his account was the mellow and eccentric visuals of the scenery around him, his work shows you a whole new world of Cleveland, beyond King James and Kyrie Irving, KP shows us "Ken's World," filled with a vibrant passion for larger than life photography. Throughout every image you can imagine and feel the dedication poured into every shutter of his lens. His work is far more than just taking pictures, they tell stories and luckily enough, I managed to get us all a window seat into the world of kpnoir. I was able to contact KP through Instagram, where it all started funny enough, and he agreed to give us insight on who exactly is the man behind the smoke. You can read the enticing interview below.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

What's hannin, I'm Ken! You can call me KP if you want. I'm 20 years young, and born and raised in Believeland, OH. I like taking pictures of any and everything, nature is my favorite category though! I'm not too big on modeling photography but don't get me wrong, I'll still definitely kill it in that department. 

2. When did you realize that photography was something you were passionate about?

Honestly? Probably when I was fresh meat in high school. I disliked photography until these seniors kept trying to take my pictures home. My teacher also recognized my work and told me I had a eye for it, so I just started doing the damn thing. 

3. Do you ever feel limited in locations and ideas?

Yes, it kills bro! It seems as if everything here, in Cleveland, I've already taken pictures of. It really grinds my gears and that's why I've been focused on possibly starting to travel. Idea wise? No, it's so much that flows through my head it's ridiculous. 

4. What work do you specialize in?

Landscape photography. In which I've dabbled in before, but I wasn't entirely satisfied, I know I can go harder. 

6. What type of cameras do you shoot with?

Usually you'll catch me using a Cannon T2I, but sometimes I disposable cams as well. 

7. What is your favorite photography accessory, other than your camera?

Definitely my tripod.

8. How would you explain your editing process?

It's very long and stressful to be honest, but you won't be getting all the details on that Urban Mag nice try! 

9. Who or what influences and/or inspires you?

Tim McGurr aka "13th witness". 

10. Do you plan on buying any new equipment? If so, what do you have your eyes on? 

Definitely. I have my eyes on a new Cannon and a couple of Polaroids. 

11. Something you're still learning?

How in the hell to work photoshop! And also no matter how smooth I may be with a camera, I'm still sometimes caught fiddling with little controls. 

13. What advice would you give anyone with the desire to pursue photography? 

Look man, if you really want to start shooting, get an actual camera and quit the iPhone shooting. Photography is an escape for a lot of people, and especially for me. If you believe you have an eye for it, then by all means,  go shoot! 

14. If you seen/heard anyone say "I want to be the next KP Noir" what would you say?

Aye it's going, if you want to be like me! Nah I'm kidding, just be yourself kid! 

All pictures were taken and/or belong to Kenneth "kpnoir". Permission for use of content is for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended©

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